
Determination Of Borehole Quality Based on World Stress Map: A Case Study Of Well-110

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 36th Ann. Conv., 2012

Formation evaluation is the most important part in oil and gas exploration. The purpose of formation evaluation is to evaluate the potential of oil and gas in a field, whether it’s proper to be explored or not. In the formation evaluation process, a determination of basic properties of reservoir rock, geologic integration, core analysis, and well test data must be done to characterize the mineral, fluid distribution and production capability of a reservoir. To produce hydrocarbons efficiently, and also to prevent any damage to the borehole, reservoir engineering needs to know tectonic and wellbore stresses and their direction. These properties first affect wellbore stability (breakouts), and then the ability to hydrofracture the well. Permeability impairment and sanding problems can be influenced by stress. The presence of a borehole will influence the state of stress of the rock and the formation strength around the borehole. Borehole breakouts and drillinginduced fractures (DIFs) are important indications of horizontal stress orientation. Herein, we use several methods to characterize the drilling-induced fracture and borehole breakouts, then determine borehole ranking criteria, based on WSM (World Stress Map) and also determine the average of the maximum horizontal stress orientation in an oil well within a depth interval 1932-2406m, using an electrical image log (Formation Micro Imager /FMI).

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