
Disaster preparedness: the lesson learned

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 24th Ann. Conv., 1995

The tragedies of Bophal and Chernobyl, and in our own industry of Piper Alpha and the Exxon Valdez, have emphasized the need to be prepared to deal with disasters.Several years ago, Mobil Oil Indonesia, Inc. (MOI) focused its attention on the need for senior management to have a set of plans and training to handle disasters. The result was a Disaster Preparedness Plan.This paper describes the experience of MOI over the past four years in implementing the Disaster Preparedness Plan. Hardware and software issues are discussed along with the lessons learned from several exercises. Disaster preparedness is a continuous and ongoing program. MOI's experience has provided our organization confidence in handling our critical operations in Indonesia.

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