
Effective data denoising and imaging in the Sanga Sanga PSC using CRS approach

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 32nd Ann. Conv., 2008

Shooting land seismic is very often a challenging task, the presence of several environmental constraints and sources of noise often lead to sub optimal results, in terms of trace fold (illumination) and in terms of achievable resolution and signal to noise ratio. Despite the information lost during a “difficult and compromised acquisition that may not be recoverable, it is sometimes possible, using smart algorithms, to make a better and more complete usage of the acquired data. The Common Reflection Surface (CRS) stacking (Hubral, 1993) is a technique that is able to deal with low fold and poor signal to noise ratio data, it was applied to Sanga Sanga PSC data in order to exploit the potential of the vintage seismic (3D and 2D ) and increase the structural and stratigraphic interpretability of the area.. The CRS results were compared both with a preexisting Pre Stack Time Migration (PSTM) volume and with a new generated benchmark PSTM. CRS imaging demonstrated to be superior to the conventional processing in many aspects.

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