
Effective Hydrocarbon probe And Development of low Resistivity Reservoir Potential in Marginal Oil Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 37th Ann. Conv., 2013

Malacca Strait area is located in Central Sumatra Basin. Today the area which has been in operation since 1986, is categorized as mature basin with normal decline rate. Re-opening old wells or new reservoir perforation using old data has been enforced to increase or to at least maintain the production rate. Indicators of hydrocarbon accumulation could be detected by well analysis concept. Normally, one of the indicators to interpret oil accumulation in reservoir is a resistivity log. In malacca strait, high resistivity in porous reservoir (comparison deep and shallow resistivity) was found with various values from 20 to 200 ohm, which always lead to hydrocarbon accumulation. However, oil finding in low resistivity reservoir in the several wells proves that there is low resistivity reservoir potency. High resistivity value in a porous reservoir is interpreted as hydrocarbon bearing, because hydrocarbon is more resistive than water formation. The general assumption that hydrocarbon is more resistive than water formation is valid in most of situation, however a low resistivity reservoir is not always related to water bearing condition. Several factors could affect reservoir resistivity such as mineral content, sand thickness, high porous (least tortuosity) reservoir, and reservoir Sw high salinity. Malacca strait area has a low resistivity reservoir potential (2 – 3 ohm). By combining conventional mud logging data, E-Log, and petrophysic data, the potential of Malacca Strait oil had been successfully uncovered from low resistivity reservoir. Gas while drilling, its magnitude and composition reading, gas composition, mud data, and also oil show are standard mud logging data tools to interpret hydrocarbon accumulation occurences. * EMP Malaka Strait Cutting data analysis has explained the mineral content in reservoir. By applying simple, straight forward and conventional method, Malacca Strait has recovered and has gained additional reserves with low operation cost.

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