
Engineering professional development program in P.T. Arun NGL. Co.

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 21st Ann. Conv., 1992

New engineers that have just graduated from a university are usually not fully prepared for an industrial type of assignment. They have adequate basic technical knowledge but they lack practical experience and a comprehension of company procedures and policy. These engineers are very trainable. Difficulties encountered by new engineers are usually because it is difficult for a University to develop the curriculum/program that satisfies various companies’ requirements. Each company has its own policy, mission, goal and objectives. Therefore, skills, knowledge and expertise required by every company are different. PT Arun has been aware that engineers are one of the most valuable human resources it has and engineers should cope with technological change, control plant modifications, as well as provide the methods to operate the plant reliably, safely and economically. In order that engineers can perform their required roles satisfactorily and support the company in achieving its mission, engineers should be developed and trained properly to become professional engineers. For this purpose, PT Arun has developed a program called the Engineering Professional Development Program (EPDP). The production requirements of PT Arun dictate operating the plant at maximum capacity. The organization must function in a concerted effort, thus supporting the operation and maintenance of equipment to provide reliability and deliverability of product. Innovative solutions to operate and maintain the plant are needed to continually enhance the performance of the plant. Mobil Oil has had experience in developing technical professional personnel and has successfully implemented this program in their organization. The program has proven to be effective and efficient in the oil industry business. The EPDP is intended to anticipate future demands in producing LNG reliably, safely and economically by implementing the latest available technology.

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