
Evaluation and Assessment of all play and resources of petroleum system Indonesia to optimization of big resources exploration for big oil and gas discoveries in Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

The focus of this study is the evaluation of all plays and resources in Indonesia to optimize the exploration for big oil and gas discoveries in Indonesia. Data used in this study are 2017 resource data of 236 PSC’s in Indonesia. The method used is the analysis of evaluation results of play and oil and gas resources in Indonesia. Determination of play rank, volumetrics, the best plays as exploration focus areas, and future exploration of oil and gas to find new big resources has been performed as outputs of the study. There were 563 plays in 1,954 prospects and 2,173 leads in 43 sedimentary basins in Indonesia. Total in-place resources at P90 is 45.5 bbo and 155 tcf while the cut-off of big resources is 500 mmbo for oil and 1 tcfg for gas. From the existing data five best plays are identified. They are 1) Miocene reef carbonate Baturaja formation patch reef stratigraphic and sandstone Talang Akar formation, 2) Miocene platform carbonate Wonocolo formation, 3) reef Eocene carbonate and sandstone Ngimbang formation barrier reef-clastic stratigraphic, 4) Jurassic sandstone Plover equivalent formation transgessive sand and 5) Jurassic sandstone Roabiba formation deep sea sand channel. These are the best plays currently in exploration to discover new big resources and big discovery candidates. The average GCF value for big prospects was up to 29%. Integration of basin modeling, tectonic evaluation, reservoir quality, and source rock quality analysis in each play is necessary to reduce risk. The integration of plays of the Ngimbang and Basement formations has the greatest opportunity to be a new big oil resource. For the new big gas resources play Late Jurassic and Cretaceous is the best candidate.

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