
Exploration of the Mentawai Block - West Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 4th Ann. Conv., 1975

This paper is intended as a “post-mortem” report on the Mentawai Block - West Sumatra, after an exploration period of approximately five years by the JENNEY Group. Exploration activities conducted during that period comprised field geology onshore Sumatra and on the islands along the Westcoast, side looking radar airborne survey, aeromagnetic survey, seismic reflection surveys, and the drill- ing of two exploratory wells offshore and two onshore. Although JENNEY failed to discover hydrocarbons, the data obtained contribute greatly to a better understanding of the geology of the area. In the light of this re-appraisal the present picture shows that the area still has merit, and that further exploration is warranted. The prime prospects should be the bottom wedge basal Tertiary and Miocene biohermal reefs.

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