
Fault seal analysis on Seribu North Field, Sunda Basin, Southeast Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 33rd Ann. Conv., 2009

Fault seal analysis (FSA) is one of the important method in evaluating hydrocarbon trapping and migration. This study involve characterize and analyze fault behavior as a result of vertical movement (slip). In most case, fault movement in sedimentary sequences will produce granulated materials known as gouge. The present of gouge in the fault plane can act as barrier for fluid across fault. The estimation value of gouge is Shale Gouge Ratio (SGR). Most of FSA involving generate Allan map which show fault surface map including hangingwall and footwall and estimate SGR. Distributed SGR values on Allan map will determine sealing and leaking behavior of fault. Therefore, conducting FSA is essential not only for evaluating future hydrocarbon trap but also future field development. We applied FSA method for evaluating reservoir within Banuwati Formation in Sunda Basin. The FSA is conducted on 5 major faults in the Northern part of Sunda Basin. These faults are F1, F4, F6, F14 and F15. Based on analysis using cutof SGR 10%-20%, from the five faults that had analyzed, just two faults (F6 and F15) can be acted as hydrocarbon trap for reservoir in Banuwati Formation.

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