
Flow measurement systems - fundamental design considerations

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 13th Ann. Conv., 1984

The paper deals with oil and gas measurement for offshore production, transmission and transfer terminal installations. It delineates those criteria that should apply to the design of offshore facilities and their proper operation.Accurate measurement of produced oil and gas is essential to efficient production management and loss control as well as being the basis for valid accounting for bottom line, royalty and tax computations. Because of the economic sensitivity of offshore oil and gas ventures to ultimate recovery, operating costs, materials accountability and loss control, the measurement of production and offshorelonshore transfer of materials and custody transfer therefore is an important consideration in tii, ?psign of both facilities and operations.General conclusions are given regarding the provision of accurate and adequate measurement and control in the planning and design phase of an offshore venture. These conclusions are based on results and observations made at numerous offshore installations around the world.

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