
Fractured Basement Plays In The Southern bentu Area, Central Sumatera

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 37th Ann. Conv., 2013

Nowadays, the potential of basement rock as a reservoir is being considered more because of oil discoveries in this section. Basement lithologies or basement fracture reservoirs as they are sometimes known, are important oil reservoirs in some areas of the world. Basement as reservoir in Indonesia has been reported occurring in the Beruk Northeast field and in the S-2 Well in the Central Sumatera Basin (CSB). This data prove that the Cental Sumatra Basin has a possibility of hydrocarbon play in its basement. The Bentu area, Beruk Northeast field and the S-2 Well are located in the Central Sumatra Basin. Several two-dimensional seismic lines across the southern Bentu area show high basement features interpreted as potential basement play. The basement lithologies reported from some wells in the Bentu area and their surrounding areas are greywacke, argillite, quartzite, and volcanic material. Many oil fields in the Central Sumatra Basin are producing from the Lakat (Menggala) Fm. In this area, the onlapping Lakat formation as carrier bed onto the high basement in the seismic features across the southern Bentu area are assumed as hydrocarbon play similar to the onlapping Sihapas Group (that includes Lakat or Menggala Fm and Tualang Fm) onto the high basement in the Beruk field. As mentioned before, in Indonesia, especially in the Central Sumatra Basin, the Beruk Field is an example of a field that has oil production from basement rock as a reservoir. Several reviews and comparison data, such as log data, lithology from the conventional core or side wall core, well reports, and seismic features in the southern Bentu area show a similarity with the Beruk Northeast field. This similarity on the basement play type in the * EMP Bentu southern Bentu area, with a proven basement fracture oil field, gives confidence and opens new exploration frontiers of untested basement play targets in the Bentu area. Keywords: Central Sumatera Basin (CSB), basement fracture, play, exploration

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