
Gas Hydrate Resources SWOT in Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

Gas hydrates are abundantly found in the permafrost of the northernmost part of the earth, in the deep ocean, and in fault zones. More than 50% of the world's carbon reserves are stored in the form of gas hydrates. Indonesia has an estimated gas hydrate reserve of 850TCF. With a large enough amount, these unconventional oil and gas resources can be seen as potential energy reserves. Even so, the challenges and shortcomings of gas hydrate production need to be studied further. Studying gas hydrate SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) may influence the policy making. This study employs SWOT analysis and firstly, the estimation of Indonesia's gas hydrate reserves in various basins from previous studies is considered a Strength. Environmental issues in the form of global warming and a history of leakage from existing production need to be considered as a Weakness. The physical characteristics of gas hydrates can make it easy to identify from the seismic section and is considered an Opportunity. Production challenges from the location and the possibility of seafloor subsidence can be a Threat. Various points from each of these SWOT parameters can be used as a reference for finding solutions to overcome deficiencies and maximize existing potential in order to maintain national energy needs.

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