
Geomechanical Analysis for CCS Study in the Subang Structure, Northern West Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

Subang Structure is an oil and gas field in the Northern West Java Basin, precisely on the Pamanukan High. This structure consists of the Talang Akar Formation, Baturaja Formation, Parigi Formation, and Cisubuh Formation. Geomechanical analysis and pore pressure are crucial in the CCS study to prevent failures. This research aims to understand the mechanical response of rocks during CO2 injection to ensure safety and determine the capacity of CO2 storage. The CO2 injection pressure should be lower than the formation pressure to prevent leakage. The method used to analyze the safety of a CCS system involves two approaches: stress failure and pore failure. Pore pressure analysis uses the Eaton method, mud weight analysis, and pressure data measurement analysis. Geomechanical analysis includes estimating fracture gradients and maximum and minimum horizontal stresses. Fault stability analysis is performed using the Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criterion method. This research is expected to serve as a consideration for upcoming CCS activities to avoid losses due to CO2 leakage to the surface and the reactivation of existing faults. Storage potential in the Subang Structure includes the Parigi Formation, Upper Cibulakan Formation, Talang Akar Formation, and Jatibarang Formation. The Cisubuh Formation is used as the regional seal, and the Parigi Formation is used as the intra-formational seal.

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