
Handil Field development - example of geological reservoir study

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 18th Ann. Conv., 1989

Handil field is located in the Mahakam Delta area (East Kalimantan). Discovered in 1974, production started in.June 1975 and 330 wells have been drilled up to now. After 14 years of oil production, the fluid movement in the reservoirs has become very complex. Referring to the original fluid contacts, almost all the produced accumulations are now affected by water rise and/or oil rise and/or gas cap extension. Moreover, water injection is performed in most of the main oil accumulations. Consequently, detailed geological reservoir studies are now required in order to improve production/injection monitoring as well as to carry out complementary developments (new drilling targets, workovers). The following paper shows an example and the applications of such a geological reservoir study which combines the skills of geologists and reservoir engineers.

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