
Hearing conservation program at CPI

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 23rd Ann. Conv., 1994

In its effort to promote and maintain the health status of its employees, especially from occupational and environmental related diseases, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia (CPI) has conducted several programs. One of the programs is The ",Hearing Conservation Program",. The objective of this program is to protectthe workers from ill health effect caused by ",Excessive Noise", that may exist in their working environment.The objective of this paper is to study the prevalence of ",Noise Induced Hearing Loss", among the workers who are exposed to excessive noise and the factors that influence its condition. This study involves more than 200 workers who are exposed to noise directly or indirectly. Some recommendations have been made to improve this program. By following these recommendations we can manage to keep the prevalence of Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) to a minimum level, comparable to that of similar industries in developed countries. Some factors, such as the worker's age, type of job@osition), service date(duration at the job), personal protective equipment usage, awareness in health and safety procedures, will influence the prevalence of Noise Induced Hearing Loss.

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