
Horizontal recompletion with short radius technique in Handil field ( Total Mahakam Contract Area ), East Kalimantan - Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 22nd Ann. Conv., 1993

Total Indonesie utilized short radius horizontal technique to recomplete an existing well in order to increase the productivity.Two phases have been done i.e :1. Preparation (POOH dual strings and five packers, squeeze-off perforations and perform window mill).2. Horizontal drain.An articulated positive displacement motor with MWD and steering tool were used to drill a lateral drain hole through a 4 meters thick sandstone reservoir at 2131 meter TVD.The possible advantages of short radius horizontal technique are:- Eliminate / decrease coning problem.- Increase productivity.- Vertical hole closer to pay zone which facilitates pumping particularly for low energy reservoirs.- Cheapest way to evaluate an area for horizontal drilling.This paper will describe the technical and economical reasons of using short radius as a recompletion method, techniques for horizontal re-entries will be discussed along with project planning considerations, well design, choice of tools, completion consideration and postwell analysis to further develop the application of short radius system as recompletion method.

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