
Identification of Faults as Basement Fractures in the Ujung Kulon Basin Using Gravity, Magnetic Data, and 2.5-D Modelling

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

The Ujung Kulon Basin was formed due to tectonic processes and volcanism during the Late Oligocene period, leading to the development of geological structures in the form of faults within the basin. This basin is estimated to have prospective oil or gas reserves; therefore, exploration is needed. The results of the theoretical analysis show that structural faults in the research area are considered migration routes or traps for oil or gas. The approach to identifying these structures takes the form of an analysis of basement fractures targeting bedrock that has experienced cracks due to tectonic processes, especially those originating from the Pre-Tertiary era. The research focused on the Ujung Kulon Basin aims to identify potential oil or gas migration routes and geological structures. The results of the gravity method analysis are used to map the distribution of rock density (mGal) in the research area, supported by magnetic methods to understand the magnetic intensity (nT) of high-value bedrock. In addition, the Total Horizontal Derivative (THD) and Tilt Derivative (TDR) analysis approaches were used to identify play geology, and 2.5-D modeling was performed to image near-real subsurface conditions. From the results of THD, TDR identification, and 2.5-D modeling, it is evident that the rocks comprise a basement starting from -3000 m to -5000 m, rock unit 1 from 1700 m to -2000 m, and rock unit 2 with a depth of 20 to 1700 m.

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