
Implementation of Saka Drone Solution (Case Study: National Marine Pollution Exercise 2018)

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 43rd Ann. Conv., 2019

During the last decade, development of Commercial Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) also known as Drone have pushed companies in various industry to re-engineer their operations. Drone technologies upend business models and reshape industry landscape ranging from agriculture to film making (PwC, 2016). Companies and university researchers around the globe were among those who put Drone technology to the test to determine where they are the most applicable to the oil and gas industry. The initial results are very encouraging. In Subsurface Geology, Drone technology helped geoscientist to build virtual outcrop models to simulate an oil and gas reservoir for fluid flow analysis. In Operation and Maintenance, Drone technology also helped facility engineers with inspection of flare stacks, derricks and topside installations. All done with significantly reduced cost, time and safety risks. Starting in Q4 2017, SAKA Drone Solution was officially launched with a view to provide fit-for-purpose Drone services to all related departments and affiliation of SAKA Energi Indonesia. The scope of services including Documentation, Inspection, Monitoring and Mapping of Exploration and Production activities within SAKA Energi asset. One of the most complex and challenging project so far is Drone Live Streaming, successfully performed during National Marine Pollution Exercise (MARPOLEX) 2018 where SAKA was being appointed as host. Recent oil spills have provided lessons learned and recommendations on forming a Common Operating Picture (COP) for oil spill response. Effective, coordinated operations for the response are based on a shared, common picture of the situation (IOGP, 2015). Live aerial video footage provided by Drone may considered as the best data source to support management of the response in real-time. This paper will discuss on the challenges and limitations of Drone technology application on offshore environment. Best practices and opportunities arose during Drone Live Streaming operation will also be explained.

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