
Implementing pipeline risk assessment process to increase pipeline reliability in Duri Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 29th Ann. Conv., 2003

Responding to both historical internal erosion and external corrosion failures, initial efforts to mitigate pipeline failures in Duri Field focused on implementing a comprehensive small diameter pipeline inspection and replacement program. This program had a significant impact in reducing the frequency and rate of oil spills in this area, however, other pipeline systems / failure mechanisms began to surface, making it apparent that an overall program re-assessment was required.Starting in 2001, a new approach of reducing pipeline failures was initiated for Duri Field Operations. This new approach was called Pipeline Integrity Management Program. The program incorporates all of the key components (historical failures, cause of failures, consequence of failures, likelihood of failures, possible type of failures, etc.) that might influence the decision on pipeline inspection, maintenance and mitigation programs.Implementing the Pipeline Integrity Management Program will allow the Duri Operations team to more effectively and efficiently manage and preserve its pipeline infrastructure investment leading to reduced downtime, product spill incidents and operating costs.This paper will also provide an update of the applied Pipeline Risk Assessment System that fits into the Duri Operations working environment.

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