
Influence of Pore Geometry and Structure on Capillary Pressure J-Function Prediction: An Applicable Technique for a Case Study of the Baturaja Formation in the Jabung Block

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

An integrated geology, petrophysics, and reservoir study were conducted for the development of the Baturaja reservoir in the Jabung Block. The study aims to characterize and model the reservoir condition by maximizing all the available data. The limited and poor quality of SCAL data inhibits the study to have a better understanding and characterization of the reservoir. Thus, it is necessary to do an unusual approach and workflow to encounter the problem. The study was able to produce the synthetic capillary pressure-water saturation curve (P_c (S_w )) using the Leverett J-Function (J(S_w )) and its relation to the concept of Pore Geometry and Structure (PGS) rock typing method. The concept of PGS resulted a unique relationship between the capillary pressure J-Function and rock type number, therefore the capillary pressure J-Function at rock type number that has no data can be predicted. Furthermore, this method will be validated by applying the predicted capillary pressure J-Function curves to petrophysical log analysis, Saturation Height Function (SHF), and Drill Stem Test (DST) results. The study gives insight by providing a simple but comprehensive way to predict both interpolation and extrapolation for a rock type number that has no capillary pressure data. This method can simultaneously differentiate and average the capillary pressure J-Function for each reservoir rock type. Eventually, a high level of confidence in reserve estimation can be reached since the predicted capillary pressure data already considered the characteristics of the rock.

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