
Influence of the particle size of catalyst on the hydrocracking of vacuum distillate into middle distillate and lubricant base stock

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 14th Ann. Conv., 1985

In order to obtain more data on hydrocracking catalysts, an experiment has been carried out to study the hydrocracking of vacuum distillate into middle distillate with the followin operating conditions: temperature: from 1 8 390' o 420 C, LHSV: from 0.45 to 0.90, pressure: 125 kg/cm and H2/HC ratio: 1000 1t/lt by using two Ni-Mo/ A1203-Si02 catalysts with various particle sizes using a Catatest unit operated in a contineous system.The gas product sample was analysed by using gas-liquid chromatography. The liquid product was fractionated and then these products were dewaxed by solvent dewaxing.Base on the experimental data it is shown that:* By increasing the operating temperature, LHSV, and decreasing the particle size of the Ni-Mo/Al 03-Si02 catalyst, the conversion rate, the quality of tze middle distillate, and the lubricant base stocks products increase, but the selectivity of these products will decrease .* At operating conditions T = 400°C, P = 125 kg/cm2 , LHSV = 0.45, and H2/HC ratio: 1000 lt/lt, the conversion rate, smoke point of kerosene, diesel index of gas oil, viscosity index of lubricant base stock decrease from: 54.08 to 50.08% by weight, from 22 to 16 rnrn, from 62.0 to 57.7 and from 133 to 118 for the low particle size and high particle size of the Ni-Mo/A1203-Si02 catalyst respectively.* The apparent activation energy of vacuum distillate is obtained as 28.717 and 23.720 kcal/mol for the low particle size and the high particle size of the Ni-Mo/ A1 203-Si02catalyst respectively.

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