
Integrated EOR Primary Screening Including Subsurface, Operational and Economical Analysis for Mature Offshore Oil Field in Kalimantan, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

Due to declining production from mature fields, many oil companies around the world have been forced to increase oil recovery factor. Technologies for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) have been developed to overcome this situation. EOR screening methods have been proposed by many authors as ways to initiate EOR in mature fields.

EOR study should progress in phases, which start with screening and followed by series of simulation, laboratory analysis, pilot testing before arriving at full-scale field injection. The very first step in determining whether a reservoir is suitable for EOR is often called as screening. This stage is critical because the project's implementation depends a lot on the screening process and its outcomes. This paper aims to present a case study in which an EOR screening is effective.

An integrated EOR primary screening was conducted on BP Field, a mature oilfield in offshore Kalimantan, Indonesia. This EOR primary screening methodology involves a three integrated process: subsurface, operational and economic evaluation. Along with the conventional screening exercise involving subsurface EOR evaluation, the screening study takes into account wells/drilling and facilities investment cost, EOR operations, and economic with the dynamic in oil market and price.

Early in the EOR project, the team benefits from the integration of subsurface, operational, and economic evaluation because it allows them to quickly evaluate various EOR techniques, eliminate unworkable options without expending excessive time and resources, and strengthen decision-making by giving them a complete picture from subsurface to field implementation. Wider view in the screening stage helps to identify main areas of uncertainty and its implication for the project, for further deep dive in the desk study, laboratory measurements, as well as to pursue field trial / pilot and later on toward full field scale deployment.

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