
Integrated Subsurface Study in Support of Determining Infill Well Locations, a Case Study of ABC Field (Oman)

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

ABC field is located in the southern part of Karim Small Fields’ Block (KSF), southeast of South Oman Salt Basin. It was discovered in June 1991 by drilling the ABC-01 exploration well, through the previous operator. Oil is accumulated within the intercalated sand and shale of Lower Gharif (LG) and sandy diamictite of Al-Khlata (Al-Khlata) formations. The well, produced oil for a period of time then eventually shut-in in 2002 due to high water-cut. After being inactive for several years, Medco took over the block in 2006, drilled ABC-02 appraisal well in 2013 and reactivated the existing well ABC01 in 2014. Supported by the new well data, an integrated subsurface study was conducted to improve geological understanding of the field. As a result, three additional wells were drilled in 2014 and 2015 (ABC-03, ABC-04 and ABC-05). Following the good performance of those additional wells, the updated static and dynamic models were formulated for defining the optimum field development plan with emphasis on infill drilling. Thus far, a total of nine wells have been drilled by Medco since 2013 and the field production rate reached its peak at more than 500 bopd. The static and dynamic models are continuously updated subsequent to new findings.

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