
Introducing the Geophysics Sub-Department, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Gadjah Mada - Abstract

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 24th Ann. Conv., 1995

Posters which are shown in three sections, display the most important results and information drawn from :1. The two most recent S1 student papers and theses related to hydrocarbon exploration, entitled :- ",A Fluid Factor Extraction Using AVO Gradient Stack Method",, by Misrin Anar Akhmad and Hero Haryono,- ",An Interpretation of Seismic Amplitude Extraction from 3-D Seismic Exploration Near an Oil Field in Kalimantan",, by Djoko Kuntjoro2. The latest version of our geophysical instrumentation products, i.e. the ",home made telelogger and teleseismic systems",, developed by Suparwoto and Sudiartono, teaching staff members.3. The ongoing results of our physical volcanology research on Mt. Merapi and Mt. Krakatoa, conducted by Wahyudi and Imam Suyanto, also teaching staff members.In addition, the Posters show general information about the Geophysics Sub-Department displaying pictures of old and new buildings, educational and research facilities, the academic program and a list of alumni. The general information was prepared with the help of my colleagues : Ari Setiawan, Kirbani Sri Brotopuspito, Waluyo, Budi Eka Nurcahya, Sismanto, and some of the Sl students.

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