
Introduction to Residential ROV: New Concept of ROV for Oil and Gas Activities

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Currently, the requirements of advanced technologies for oil and gas operation becomes very much the focus of Subsea Operators and Clients alike. Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), subsea technologies that currently used in a variety of applications, including oil and gas activities, is looking for a new concept that can be integrated field support and demand of industry pushing towards resident systems enabling rapid development and addressing the various technology gaps and challenges, from the perspective of both from operational and cost issues. These lead to introduce a different approach to ROV System, called Residential ROV (R-ROV). This system provides permanent installation on the seabed for long time periods. By “parking” it on the seabed, operational time is being increased significantly, meanwhile, a requirement time of deployment is none and not weather dependent anymore. Furthermore, there is no splash zone during launch and recovery operation. It also reduces offshore crewing due to onshore operation from control station center via Tampnet, a dedicated fiber-based network system that equals to operate on a 4G mobile broadband system, meanwhile, as for docking, it uses an existing method. For another subsea scope of work, the requirement of support vessel is being reduced. This new concept able to work out until 1000 meters radius and is supported with a new trend of ROV electrification, which is electrical power designed with a new communication method based on previous statement. The new concept also comes with a new challenges in order to controlling the R-ROV real-time due to its round-trip latency, This major challenges served as a benchmark that can be improved in the future. In the end, this system represents the future of ROV technology for safer operations and cost reductions for the industry, especially for oil and gas companies.

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