
Inversion faults as the major structural control in the northern part of the Kutai basin, East Kalimantan

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 21st Ann. Conv., 1992

The Kutai Basin in East Kalimantan is the deepest Tertiary basin in Indonesia with more than 10,000 metres sediment thickness. Tectonically the Kutai Basin is separated from the Tarakan Basin to the north by the Mangkalihat Arch and bordered by the Kuching High to the east. To the south it is separated from the Barito basin by Pater Noster High.Structural pattern in Kutai Basin is the anticlinorium treffding almost North-South. This N-S direction gradually changes into East-West to the edge of Northern Kutai Basin. Based on seismic data, the compressional faults in Northern Kutai Basin were interpreted as the inversion fault. These faults have rejuvenated the Eocene-Pliocene tensional fault. The late compressional system was probably caused by coupling system between Pate:-Noster and Sangkulirang dextral strike slip faults in Plio-Pleistocene.The existing of inversion faults are responsible for the acumulation of hydrocarbons in the Northern Kutai Basin.

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