
Karama PSC Well Results-A Lesson Leraned On Provenance And Seismic Imaging Of Deepwater System

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 37th Ann. Conv., 2013

The Karama block is situated in the West Sulawesi Basin, Makassar Strait (Figure 1). From seismic 2D data interpretation Neogene foldbelt multiple prospects were identified. This inspired companies to bid for the area in the Indonesian open tender round in 2006. Statoil and Pertamina were awarded the block with a commitment to acquire 3D seismic and drill 3 exploration wells. The seismic 3D was shot in 2008 and processed the year after. Interpretation of the 3D seismic gave better insight on the depositional environment and depositional system. Sediments were clearly sourced from the Sulawesi hinterland. Deep-water fans and debris flow were identified on attribute maps from the seismic 3D data. Fieldwork onshore Sulawesi in 2009 identified possible sand rich formations which could be a source for sandy basin floor fans/turbidities into the basin. As an analogue study, recent sedimentation in the Karama PSC was studied. The shallow horizons were interpreted to possible consist of debris flow. The drilling campaign in 2012 targeted both proximal and more distal parts of possible sand fairways. The results revealed that much of the brighter seismic amplitudes in the 3D data were not sand but siltstones, greywacke sandstones with no to poor reservoir properties. In the post well evaluation a relative inversion study was conducted to investigate the seismic amplitudes. To interpret the inverted data a Rock Physic Template (RPT) was used to help the interpretation of the inverted data.

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