
Laboratory Studies on the Effect of Surfactant Injection H and B to Oil Recovery from Oil Content on Cocarbonate Rocks

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Nowadays, the technology for Enhanced Oil Recovery (widely known as EOR) keeps developing. These techniques are mainly used because the residual oil in the reservoir cannot be produced by primary recovery. One of the EOR methods that can be applied is surfactant injection. In this study, we will test surfactant injection by using a spontaneous imbibition test to produce oil contained in carbonate rocks. This research used surfactant H and surfactant B with various concentrations. Oil that is used as the test material is obtained from Well L in Field M, while the core that is used is artificial carbonate core. Both surfactant H and B with particular concentration will be tested on oil in Well L and artificial carbonate core. From the results, it can be concluded which surfactant with what concentration will recover the most amount of oil.

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