
Laboratory Study of Drilling Mud Rheology and Analysis of Chemical Composition from Clay Illite Minerals in Central Sumatra, Riau

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Bentonite is an absorbent agent of clay of aluminum phyllosilicate which contains a majority of Montmorillonite substances. There are two common types of Bentonite, Na-Bentonite and Ca-Bentonite. The mineral clay Illite from Riau, Central Sumatra is more likely to lead to Ca-Bentonite. Laboratory studies are needed to compare Illite to the Na-Bentonite from the Cretaceous Benton Shale near Rock River, Wyoming, United States. To establish the rheology of clay-based mud testing is performed in the laboratory of the Petroleum Engineering Department, Islamic University of Riau. Laboratory tests obtained values for rheological properties such as density, viscosity, yield point, plastic viscosity and gel strength. On testing, NaCO3 was added as ion exchangers and to add elements of Na in the sludge. Established values were density of 8.6 ppg, viscosity 1.5 cp, yield point 0.5 lb/ft², gel strength 1°. Meanwhile, to find out the composition and structure of mineral clay SEM and EDX analysis were conducted giving values of C 14.52%, MgO 0.66%, Al2O3 28.08%, SiO2 49.30%, K2O 3.02%, TiO2 1.13%, FeO 1.87%, CuO 1.43%. Results were obtained from rheological analysis of drilling mud and chemical composition analysis of mineral clay Illite fe-rich from Riau, Central Sumatra with the addition of NaCo3 additive. Then rheological properties will be obtained from Illite sludge based muds which would be compared with Bentonite which is generally used as the base material for making drilling mud with API Spec13 A standard.

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