
Lean Sigma Methodology Approach To Increase Production Revenue From Attaka Idle Wells

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 37th Ann. Conv., 2013

The Attaka Field, located offshore of East Kalimantan, has been producing since 1972 and the production rate continues to decline over time. Currently, the field has as many as 138 wells categorized as idle, which have the potential to be periodically put on production. The Lean Sigma method has been deployed as a systematic approach to organize the efforts to bring these idle wells back on production. The initial step in the process comprises of continuous monitoring of the tubing and casing head pressure, a review of the well’s historical data, and inspection of the production facility connected to the well. The process is then continued with attempts to bring the well back on production and by performing a well test. Data gathered from the well tests are then reviewed to provide a better understanding of the current production characteristics for further production optimization. This method has been applied consistently to Attaka’s idle wells periodically. Some of the idle wells are capable of delivering significant production, but only for a limited duration. The average production from this approach is 250 BOEPD, and this approach has been used for a year. With a very low cost, this process will be continued in the future to decrease the Attaka production decline rate.

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