
Mangala Well And Reservoir Management: The Journey To 150,000 BOPD

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 37th Ann. Conv., 2013

The Mangala field in the Rajasthan state of western India was the first major oil discovery in the Barmer Basin having a STOIIP of over 1.3 billion barrels in multiple stacked fluvial clastic reservoirs. It contains medium gravity (20-28oAPI), waxy, viscous crude (9-17 centipoise, cp) in high permeability (1-25Darcy) clean sandstone reservoirs. Mangala field has been on production since 2009 at a plateau rate of 150 thousand barrels of oil per day (kbopd). The field has a comprehensive Reservoir Management Plan (RMP), which calls for an active reservoir surveillance plan, continuous data acquisition and analysis being executed in the field. The key data include pressure surveys, production and injection logging, well and network modeling, reservoir saturation logging, interference testing and well and artificial lift parameters. Several challenges and production and injection problems were identified and addressed in a step-wise manner. The well and reservoir performance from the first two years of production suggested the potential for higher production capacity. As a result of the artificial lift installation, the ongoing production enhancement efforts, continuous reservoir surveillance and management, the field production was increased to a plateau rate of 150kbopd. Simulation studies suggested no detrimental effects on the ultimate recovery. The approved field development plan (FDP) plateau rate was 125kbopd. After receiving the necessary approvals, the field has been producing at 150kbopd for the last 10 months. This paper summarizes: • Data acquired during the 125 kbopd production phase • Major problems identified in the field and their mitigation • Well and network modeling study • Field performance post 150kbopd plateau rates Challenges of maintaining 150kbopd

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