
Manpower development in the petroleum industry, using micro-computers for planning, implementation and monitoring

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 13th Ann. Conv., 1984

On an increasing scale in the past few years petroleum company managements have been faced with the problem of personnel shortage in their organizations. Specifically, many of these problems have arisen in relation to the requirements of petroleum professionals. A need has been recognized to identify accurately the projected shortages, if any, of qualified professional personnel (petroleum, mechanical, chemical and civil engineers, geologists and geophysicists) and to install programs for their accelerated training and succession planning.Through the use of micro-computers, many of the problems in manpower planning and development for an organization can be defined clearly for systematic solution. Training implementation and succession planning for technical professionals may be developed with logical methods, assisting personnel management in short and long term development planning.The application of an electronic data processing system has made possible the development of techniques which efficiently collect, synthesize and retrieve necessary data including task and skill information on positions, personnel inventories of incumbents, and the training resource materials avaiIable for specific training programs, on either a positional, sectional, devisional or disciplinary basis. The final product would be an internally automated system that provided management immediate access to a wide range of manpower information.

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