
MASDA : Method of Analysis for Staff Development Action

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 18th Ann. Conv., 1989

MASDA (Method of Analysis for Staff Development Action) has been developed to reinforce Hudbays Indonesianization programme and to monitor its progress. This method is based on the Hay Job Evaluation System.This paper explains that for comparison and arriving at realistic career growth norms, Hudbays expatriates career growth is utilized. It discusses the rate of career growth of Indonesians who are potential successors to expatriates and reviews the rate of growth that must be achieved if Indonesianization goals are to be met.By focusing on the growth rate already achieved by an individual, and on the growth rate required in the future, it is possible to analyse the individuals most important development needs in a systematic and scientific fashion for each of the three Hay components:- Required knowledge- Degree of Problem Solving- AccountabilityWith this analysis, management can then assign the individuals to jobs that will optimally satisfy his or her needs to achieve the companys Indonesianization goals. Three case studies are included.

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