
Mature fields economics, how far can you go? an engineer’s hard learned lesson

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

One of the honey traps for engineers working on mature fields is to use sparkling new technologies and “best practices” to squeeze out every last drop of oil without realizing that we are going broke. It’s good to have someone to remind you that all that glitters does not make gold. Technology and activity can turn around old fields, but it can also lead to death by a thousand cuts. It is so vital to figure out early if your program is actually making money. Then, in the negative case, when you get through your denial phase, you can begin to start your next operation wisely. The paper will share technical and economic stories of “turn-around” activities both highly successful and less so, and how to learn early if you are on a winning track. At the end of the day, we are all here to make money.

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