
Maturing Prospects and Leads in The Carbonate Pinnacle Reef of the Kais Formation in West Salawati

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

A comprehensive Geology and Geophysics (G&G) study has been undertaken to further analyze the prospects of the West Salawati Block and update the Prospect and Lead inventory for future exploration programs. The primary focus involves assessing near-field prospectivity for the upcoming exploration drilling, with the Kais Formation identified as the primary target.
The study encompasses various tasks, including seismic interpretation and mapping, analysis and evaluation of post-drilling wells, examination of the petroleum system and play, definition of prospects and leads, and ultimately the maturation of the prospects.

The most recent drilling campaign of the BLLA exploration well successfully penetrated the Miocene reservoir, reaching a total depth (TD) of 11,482 feet. The well discovered oil in the Miocene-Pliocene Intra-Kais Carbonate Pinnacle Reef, with a net pay thickness of 284.3 feet. This well has become pivotal in identifying other prospects and maturing them into drillable prospects.

Challenges facing this block encompass both geological and operational aspects. Geological challenges include a relatively small structure, uncertainty regarding oil-water contact, and a high water cut, resulting in a limited volume of oil in place. Operational challenges, including mobilization and demobilization issues and extended drilling durations. All these challenges have a substantial effect on economic considerations.

This paper presents our approach to identifying and maturing the prospects. By analyzing seismic features, evaluating the petroleum system, and characterizing the play. We have identified an abundance of similar pinnacle reef structures in the Kais Formation. This is encouraging news because it gives us the potential prospect of this block. By ranking the sizes of pinnacle structures, prioritizing prospects, and planning the drilling campaign, we expect the economic prospects to be significantly improved.

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