MET - a unique group mentoring program
Year: 2001
Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 28th Ann. Conv., 2001
In 1997 Texaco initiated a mentoring program entitled MET (Mentoring Excellence in Technology) with the aim of increasing the impact of technology on the corporations bottom line. The program is unique in several ways. First and foremost, the program is a group mentoring program rather than a more traditional one-on-one mentoring. Second, the program was created and implemented by the Texaco Fellows, a diverse group of technical experts, with the assistance of internal and external consultants rather than through the corporate human resource department. Third, the focus of the program is not technical development in a specific discipline, but rather an increased personal effectiveness in the utilization of technology and a better understanding of how technology relates to the energy business.The centerpiece of the program is the learning group. Each learning group consists of about a dozen mentees and two or three Fellows who act as mentors. Members of learning groups discuss a wide-range of topics, such as technology selection and funding, the technical ladder, best practices in knowledge management, and how to use failure. Joint quarterly conferences are held with all learning groups participating, individual learning groups meet in the intervening months. Quarterly conference themes have included communication and thinking styles, building a collaborative organization, innovation and creativity, scenario development, and dealing with change.Survey results and anecdotal information indicate that the program is exceeding expectations. Mentees, in general, feel that they are more willing to initiate change and are approaching business problems differently, networking more and also feel that management is more approachable. Many participants have stepped outside of their “box and comfort zone, presenting their first technical paper, changing job assignments, or even sending e-mail to the CEO questioning a statement made at a general information-sharing meeting.
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