
Modern Gempol Sewu Deltaic System In North Central Java For Deltaic Reservoir Potential

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 37th Ann. Conv., 2013

The study area is located in Gempol Sewu Delta, Sindhang Sikucing, Kendal, Central Java Province. Geologically, Kendal area is in the western part of Kendeng Zone where Tertiary sedimentary rocks cover Damar, Kerek and Alluvium. Present day Gempol Sewu Delta is wave dominated and very abrassive. Outcrops along Gempol Sewu Delta give evidence to wave dominated delta deposits with abrasion and progradation occurring concurrently. A program of coring and trenching along the beach at 50 – 60 cm depth was conducted to study the stratigraphy and sedimentation processes. Corresponding granulometry analyses in the laboratory through Hjulstrom charts determined that the larger the diameter of sediment grains then the greater the velocity of the river. Sediment grains and the geometry prediction determined from delta samples are indicative of basaltic igneous. From 50 plots of cores with 10 metres spacing, we observed that carbonate sand dominated with ripple structure and interbedded shale and clay deposited in a delta front environment, a paralel laminae of beach sand and iron sand, and clay interbeded in fluvial deposits also was indentified. Gempol Sewu deltaic system has been characterized through extensive coring, trenching and laboratory analyses in order to identify good deltaic reservoir with potential for hydrocarbon prospectivity in North Central Java Basin.

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