
Multi-database management, an Exspan case study

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 28th Ann. Conv., 2001

Exspan Nusantara is currently setting up an integrated database management system to improve access and enhance ease of utilization by end-users and database administrators through dedicated personal computers. A number of databases embracing New Venture and Exploration activities including inventory and drafted data are, at present, stored in the different computers (PCs and workstations) with different operating systems (Windows, NT and Solaris) and different vendor applications. A work plan and time schedule to accomplish database integration has been prepared, and comparison studies with other oil and gas operators based in Jakarta is underway. Upgrade of obsolete databases has been accomplished and a master database and browser tool applications have been checked and evaluated. Following implementation of the integrated Exploration Database System, the next step will be to integrate this with existing Engineering and Production databases. Sharing of experience and interaction with other PSC operators and oilfield service contractors is welcome and beneficial to achieve speedy and appropriate establishment of the new system.

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