
Multicultural management: a key for the success of Indonesian petroleum joint ventures

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 23rd Ann. Conv., 1994

As Indonesian and foreign investors expand their global joint venture activities, they are faced with new challenges in ",multicultural management",. Technology and price considerations play an important role in the signing of joint venture agreements. Consequently, the cultural competency of today's managers will be an important factor in the successlfailure of many joint ventures.This paper presents insights from the author's experiences in global business, working with such diverse cultures as the American, Japanese, Malaysian, Arabian, as well as Indonesian oil and gas organizations. In working with these cultures, differing value priorities were identified.How these values influence daily business dealings with Indonesian managers is discussed and recommendations are made for appropriate, culturally oriented interpersonal strategies that promote greater success in joint ventures. Furthermore, these national priorities in terms of cultural values are seen as influencing the company sub-cultures of several organizations examined from the USA, Japan, Malaysia and Indonesia.As organizations ",go globai", in their activities, cultural values also influence the technology transfer process. Globalization strategies and likely processes needed for success are identified.

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