
Naturally Sucked Rod Pump: Conventional Methods Of Optimization

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 37th Ann. Conv., 2013

A Sucker Rod Pump (SRP) is a pump with an artificial lift method designed specifically to remove fluid from the subsurface and is usually used in oil drilling. Usually, the use of the SRP mechanism is by using swivel mechanism motors to drive the pump shaft, which is then forwarded to the translational motion, moving the pump shaft. In the process of sucking the fluid fuel, energy is required to drive the motor. Therefore, the author has an idea about the mechanism of a SRP that will be able to optimizing the energy use of fuel. This is sustained by utilizing the kinetic energy in the SRP, which will be a kinetic force on the crank counterweights connected by the 360 rotational motion. In addition to utilizing the kinetic energy, electrolysis occurs on the prime mover for the efficient fuel usage by up to 80% of the energy as an early prime mover. Thus, this method will improve the energy savings, which will be used to save on the oil exploitation process.

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