
New Exploration Drilling Method for Coal Bed Methane (CBM): Continuous Coring in PHE II Tanjung South Kalimantan

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 40th Ann. Conv., 2016

Coal Bed Methane now is increasingly becoming an attractive alternative energy that can be used , Given that the potential of coal bed methane in Indonesia is quite large at around 453.3 TCF (Advanced Resources and World Bank), it is a resource with high potential for development. However, its utilization is still in its infancy cause hight cost of drilling cbm and low gas capacity of CBM . This paper will describe a new method for Coal Bed Methane (CBM) exploration drilling using continuous coring in PHE CBM Tanjung II South Kalimantan. The continuous coring operation does not employ special coring pipes but optimizes the Elnusa assets through modified pipe drilling. This method optimizing up the drilling process by downsizing the drilling crew reducingmakeup and break out connection of drillpipe, and eliminating special coring pipe rental. Not only does it result in lowest day rate, but the method reduces the risk of drill crew accidents on the floor. This method can reduce drilling time, is faster than conventional coring with non productive time (NPT) less than 2 % with average depth 700-1000 meters. Keywords: CBM, Coring, Drillpipe, Slickline and NPT.

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