
New insight of tectonic evolution of Cendrawasih bay and its implication for hydrocarbon prospect, Papua, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 34th Ann. Conv., 2010

Cenderawasih Bay, a peculiar triangular deep embayment in the Northern part of Papua, holds an important role on the geologic origin and tectonic evolution of Birds Head, Papua. Many workers have been proposed tectonic model to explain the origin of this bay. However, most of published model generated based on a very limited data to constrain a comprehensive tectonic model. The main objectives of this papers is to present new insight into active structural process in Cenderawasih Bay based on integrated newly acquired seismic interpretations with 3D geological modeling and 2D palinspatic reconstructions using balancing cross-section techniques. The results from seismic interpretations indicate that the Cenderawasih Bay is asymmetric basin with depocenter area filled by more than ~4 km thick of Plio-Pleistocene sediments seen on the southeastern part of the bay. This bay is controlled by several major structures. Normal faults trending E-W and relatively NE-SW are observed in the northeast part. Series of normal fault trending N - S parallel to Wandaman Peninsula are observed. NE - SW trend normal faults which cut through the Plio-Pleistocene sequence. The Mesozoic or Pre-Tertiary showed basement high features overlain by Oligocene and Miocene carbonate sequences. Thick Plio-Pleistocene sequences were deposited and experienced compression deformation forming NESW trending thin-skinned fold-thrust belt in the Waipoga trough. The deformation of Cenderawasih Bay as an effect of the left-lateral strike-slip faulting of Yapen-Sorong Fault Zone (YFSZ) activities through Late Tertiary sequences. Normal faulting trending relatively NE-SW and E-W were interpreted also related to the YSFZ activities. Some of NE-SW trending normal faulting is considered as the evidence of an extension phase occurring on late Miocene. Moreover, a spectacular NE-SW trending thin-skinned fold-thrust-belt system identified on the Waipoga Trough are the youngest deformation formed in close associated with present-day YSFZ activity. Hydrocarbon plays similar to Bintuni Basin setting were recognized which thick Plio-Pleistocene source rocks and probably Mesozoic were deeply buried in very short period of time.

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