
New sand count using core calibrated UBITM1 (Ultra-sonic Borehole Imager) data

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 25th Ann. Conv., 1996

Significant differences between previous UBITM' interpretation and effective sand counting from core, based on sedimentological models, have been observed and this has led to a revision and improvement of the process. A calibration was established on cores from three wells of the TUNU Field and then applied to other wells of the same field. A comprehensive comparison with other log interpretation methods was carried out, leading to refined computations.New addition to the sand count program is ellipticity cut-off. Almost all zones of large borehole, due to break out ovalization (ellipticity) are shales, therefore these low amplitude readings are justifiably eliminated, based on caliper data analysis (with a resolution better than 0.02", in diameter). An automatic median cut-off on time and amplitude was used allowing an automatic computation of net-sand.Comparison of the sand count obtained from UBITM1 and cores proved to be almost identical and therefore much more accurate than the usual methods based solely on open hole logs. This technique opens up new perspectives in reservoir modeling by providing an automatic core-like sand count shortly after logging, at a fraction of the cost of a conventional core analysis that is usually provided long after coring.

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