
Paleogen Facies Model Of North Barito Area, Comprehensive Study Of Sedimentology, Stratigraphy And Potential Reservoir

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 37th Ann. Conv., 2013

North Barito Shelf is one of the most potential exploration area in Central Kalimantan which is proven producing hydrocarbon in border of Upper Kutai – North Barito Basins. Significant gas condensate accumulation has been discovered in Oligocene Carbonates in Kerendan Field, Teweh Permit by Union Oil in 1982. Paleogene petroleum system play is one of the main target in this area including reservoir target. Integrated stratigraphy, sedimentology features, facies and potential reservoir information from outcrops samples of Paleogene Sediments Units should be a guide line to explore the potential of petroleum system. Data is derived from outcrops and laboratory analyses results. Studied area covers area of Bintang Ninggi – Gunung Purai – Muara Teweh (Central and East Kalimantan). Comprehensive stratigraphic measurement in the North Barito area showing 6 (six) sediments units (chronostratigraphy), consisting of Pre-Tertary, Middle Eocene, Late Eocene, Early Oligocene, Late Oligocene, and Miocene Sediment Unit. The pre tertiary basement rocks are consisting mica schist and quartzsite. Middle Eocene Sediment Unit are consisting of 5 (five) facies unit, i.e, Alluvial Fan, Fluvial Braided and Meandering River, Fluvial to Upper Delta Plain,Lower Delta Plain – Delta Front,Prodelta/Offshore. Late Eocene Sediment Unit are consisting of 3 (three) facies units, i.e, Lower Delta Plain – Delta Front, ProDelta/ Offshore, Offshore – Bathyal. Early Oligocene Sediment Units are consisting of 4 (four) facies units, i.e, Lower Delta Plain – Delta Front, Shoreface, Carbonate Complex, Offshore – Bathyal. * GDA Consulting ** Exploration Think Tank Indonesia Late Oligocene Sediment Unitsare Consisting 5 (five), i.e: Shoreface, Carbonate Complex, Offshore – Bathyal, Lower Delta Plain – Delta. Front, Fluvial – Delta Plain – Delta Front Facies. Miocene Sediment Unit are consisting of 5 (Five) facies units, i.e Lower Delta Plain – Delta Front, Delta Plain – Delta Front, Delta Front – Prodelta, Pro Delta/Offshore, Fluvial – Delta Plain – Delta Front. Keywords: Paleogen, Facies, North Barito

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