
Permian-Cretaceous hydrocarbon prospectivity at Berau - Papua

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 32nd Ann. Conv., 2008

Berau area is located in the south of Salawati Basin, Birds head, Irian Jaya Barat Province. Interaction eustatic sea level with tectonic in bird head to result transgression and regression phase that deposited potential sediment that useful in petroleum system element that identified in well and seismic. Perkins & Livsey R. A, (1993) to show Vitrinite reflectance coal and claystone Permian Jurassic sediment from Gunung-1 well have value above 1 ( v >>1), indicated over mature.Modern well data, indicated in well JY-2 that the Berau area has hydrocarbon potential.The result of this research, have been interpreted with the following conclusion :Permian and Jurassic sediment in Berau area have complete petroleum system element such as Permian Jurassic Source rock(Coal, shale and interbedded black carbonaceous mudstones), Jurassic and Cretaceous sediment as a reservoir(Limestone, sandstone Jurassic Cretaceous shale as seal rock and trap. So, we could conclude that this area has a good hydrocarbon potential. Prospect area in Berau is located in south area, precisely, at inverted fault anticline.

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