
Planning and managing technology - technology strategies in exploration and production - process, planning and provisions

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 23rd Ann. Conv., 1994

The subjects of technology management (Steele, L.W. (1988) and the management of R&D organisations, sometimes called "Managing the unmanageable" (Jain, R.K. and Triandis, H C (1990), are of increasing strategic importance throughout industry as corporations strive to better utilise technology, linking and aligning its applications with corporate strategy (Roussel et. a1 1991). This is especially the case now in the upstream and downstream oil business where increasing pressure on margins due to oil price forces focus on the optimum use of technology to achieve cost effectiveness and efficiency thereby enhancing competitiveness. Development of a process to clarify technology priorities amongst diverse assets is the subject of this paper.

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