
Pre-Tertiary of the East Java Sea revisited: a stronger link to Australia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 34th Ann. Conv., 2010

Detailed interpretation of the JavaSPAN crustal scale seismic lines, with attention to internal structure of pre-Tertiary in the east Java Sea area suggests a geological history involving repeated rift-fill and cratonic sedimentation culminating in inversion similar to the Goulburn Graben of the Arafura Shelf. Departure from the Australian margin in the late Jurassic and suturing of this East Java Terrane (EJT) to SE Sundaland in the mid-Cretaceous is consistent with the geology of both locations. The seismic signature of the section in the EJT section is also similar to several northern Australian sedimentary sections. Such an origin implies that dispersal of the Paleozoic-bearing crustal fragments of eastern Indonesia followed behind the EJT with consumption of the intervening ocean crust and opening of the Banda Sea back-arc basins. The northern part of the EJT which has been affected by Eocene extensional opening of the Makassar Basins is probably related to the eastern Indonesian islands and to the Tasman orogenic belt, while the south correlates to the Australian craton.Keywords: East Java Sea, terranes, SE Asianterranes, pre-Tertiary of Indonesia, NW ShelfAustralia

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