
Preliminary study and identification of injection water compatibility for West Seno pressure maintenance project

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 35th Ann. Conv., 2011

West Seno Asset has an opportunity to perform waterflood for independent ER7, ER3, ER49, and Seno-70 reservoir target. Current production with workover will have limited production life and a low recovery factor. Water injection will extend West Seno production life and increase the EUR.There are potential incompatibility issues when sea water is introduced into the reservoirs, they are scale deposition, reservoir souring due to high content of microbial nutrient, especially Sulfide Reducing Bacteria from the sea water, and fluid - rock interaction issues.This paper covers the water analysis and preliminary compatibility identification from the sea water and treated produced water, and the future proposed treatment.

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