
Preliminary study on the Tertiary depositional patterns of Java

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 6th Ann. Conv., 1977

The tertiary basinal areas were developed as a result of the interaction of the India-Australia plates and the Pacific plate which formed zones of volcanic belt, back deep and stable craton which can be seen from South to North.The depositional patterns show various phenomenas such as growth faulting, regional platforming, flysch like deposition on trough, reef growing on volcanoes, turbiditic-sliding-gliding sedementation.The patterns took place in five major regional structural units, namely Seribu Platform, North Java Hinge Belt, Bogor-Kendeng Trough, Axial Ridge of Java and Southern Slope of the Axial Ridge of Java (Lemigas 1972).Due to the variations in the rate of subsidence, supply of sediment to the basin, local as well as regional uplift, the sediments that filled in the basinal areas varied considerably in the pattern of deposition. The pattern governed the variation of sediment thickness and its lithological assocation.

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