
Propagation Method of Electromagnetic Waves for Scale Prevention in Oil and Gas Well

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Scale is a deposit or coating formed on the surface of metal, rock or other material. Scale is caused by a precipitation due to a chemical reaction with the surface, precipitation caused by chemical reactions, a change in pressure or temperature, or a change in the composition of a solution. Scale problem is one of the most serious problems in oil and gas fields. It causes plugging inside production lines and equipment and impairs fluid flow. Scale causes cost spending of millions of dollars in prevention, as well as requires maintenance of downhole and surface production facilities periodically. To prevent scale build up in downhole and surface facility at same time, Z Oil and Gas Company have done scale prevention in two (2) wells (Well X and Well Y) by using electro-magnetic waves device. This method successfully maintains the production rate in the range of 95% with same optimum well parameters and keeps its parameters (such as flowing pressure, etc.) at optimum condition after several months post electro-magnetic device installation. Previously to overcome downhole scale deposition, scale clean-out by using coiled tubing has been done every two (2) months. Whereas for surface flowline acidizing has been done every month. It causes high operating cost (Opex), including cost for lift boat, coiled tubing unit and acid materials during regular treatment.

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