
Quick look source rock evaluation by pyrolysis technique

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 13th Ann. Conv., 1984

Sidewall core samples from 23 wells in different Indonesian basins have been analysed by the OSA pyrolysis method. The data from these analyses were used for a quick-look source rock evaluation of the well sections. The organic richness of the samples was evaluated using a combination of TOC and Py, contaminated samples were excluded as below. The source quality was determined using a combination of HI and ROC/TOC ratio, lean samples with TOC's of less than 4% and contaminated samples with TPI of more than 2 were excluded. The source rock maturity was determined from Tmax and TPI, samples with a flat or irregular S2 peak and/or large S1 peak were excluded, whilst TPI was used only as a maturity trend parameter. The results proved to be compatible with the detailed geochemical reports which became available several months later.

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